
Posts Tagged ‘Java’

MyTouch 3G Android Phone Review

August 28th, 2009 aaron Comments off
MyTouch 3G

MyTouch 3G

I’ve been resisting and resisting getting an iphone for two years.  Mainly because while I know its a fine product, I see Apple as a controlling company.  I liked the open nature of android but passed on the G1 because the hardware was pretty uninspiring.  I finally gave in as soon as tmobile released it in July.  So far so good. The android market is chock full of applications. Some great and some not so great. Pluses of the phone are the integration with all things google, including their awesome calendar. The web browser is very usable. However it would be nice to have multitouch.   Supposedly there is multitouch support already built in to the kernel.  The omission was due to google not wanting to upset apple.  They do have a symbiotic relationship so it makes sense.  However, with Apple pulling Google Voice from the apple store, I wouldn’t be surprised to see multitouch sooner than later. Other things of note are the decent battery life and excellent reception.

Many of the apps could use more work, the facebook application doesn’t provide the ability to upload images. The trend is upwards though. There are many many android phones being released in the next 6 months. Along with that will be more developers developing applications. I’m going to explore the SDK and post about it.